The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal Target 17.9 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is the dedicated target to capacity- building and aims to "Enhance international support for implementing effective and targeted capacity-building in developing countries to support national plans to implement all the sustainable development goals. To align with this activity, ICID fine tuned the knowledge management process and kick started various initiatives. ICID e-Learning platform is one of the initiatives to strengthen the capacity building activities.
The ICID elearning courses allow you to learn about a subject based on your individual needs and interests, and the format allows you to study at your own pace, anywhere and at any time.
ICID and Aqua Foundation (AF) are collaborating to offer an online course on Dam and Network Safety Assurance presented by the industry stalwarts and subject matter specialists. Course Focus Water management projects, especially the irrigation projects, are long lasting entities with practically indefinite life. Even if the beneficiary land area changes its character in terms of land use, the utility of the head conservation works and the distribution networks remain or improve as they are required to deliver the water for larger economic good in keeping with development in economy of the area. On the other hand, the tenure of a professional employed for managing the project may be limited. Many of the developing countries are facing this problem due to a smaller pool of manpower resources not in keeping with the growth in population of the projects. At any point of time, a change of hands is inevitable with concomitant dangers of gaps in knowledge transfer. Keeping this in mind, the course content has been designed for fresh and practicing engineers who are involved with the dam operations, surveillance and safety assurance works and dam portfolio managers responsible for setting up dam safety programmes. The course aims at improving the skills of the professional entrusted with the responsibility in directly managing the facilities and ensuring their safety as well as reporting the status to the higher level of managements. Course Content • Overview of Dam Safety Aspects Course Delivery The course will be delivered through a Learning Management System (LMS), where pre-recorded lectures, videos, presentation, reading material etc. will be uploaded, so that participants can go through these at their own pace, within the time frame of 6 months. Live sessions also will be organized wherein participants can directly interact with experts and raise their queries. Preferred mode of receiving questions would remain through email, enabling development of a comprehensive Q&A. Registration Process Registration can be done online using the link https://www.damsafety.co/register. In case of bulk registrations, please contact ICID/ AF Academy at details provided hereunder: For more details, please visit: https://www.damsafety.co/ Contact Details AF Academy: Ms. Praggya Sharmaa, Secretary General, AF Academy, E-166, 2nd Floor, Kalkaji, New Delhi 110 019; Mobile: +91-9818568825, 9873556395; Email: info@aquafoundation.in; praggya@ damsafety.co ICID: Mr. Harish Kumar Varma, Executive Director, ICID, 48 Nyaya Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021, India, E-mail: icid@icid.org; Website: https://www.icid-ciid.org
Introduction: Global water scarcity and increased demand for food are two main drivers for the urgent efforts to improve food productivity in agriculture, the sector that consumes 70-80% of annual freshwater availability. Micro-irrigation Systems (MIS) are fundamentally designed and operated to economize water application in crop fields. As MIS is an evolving technology, the existing curricula on these systems is still not adequately covered in regular academic programs. Also, the professionals who are already working in the area of agricultural water management (AWM) have had limited exposure to MIS concepts and practices thus far. The proposed short duration certification course offers to fill such existing knowledge and skills gaps. Course URL: https://icid.moodlecourse.com/ Course Fee: This year participation in the course for a limited number of qualified individuals is free. You will have access to course lectures/videos, international webinars, and reference material. If you require the International Certificate of successful completion of the course, you will need to pay a fee of US$100 to cover the cost of your personalized online evaluation process. through quizzes and assignments. On successful completion of the course, a certificate will issued on registered email in PDF format.Instructions for secure online payment will be informed to the selected candidates. Contact: |