International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) works closely with a global network of professionals within and without the water sector. Our associations varies from government departments, multilateral, bi-lateral organisations, policy makers, UN organisations, independent researchers, young professionals, students and experts from different disciplines. As the name suggests, our work is extensively based on agricultural water, flood management, irrigation techniques/models and drainage systems scaling from community levels to transboundary issues. Our mainstream activities majorly frames out through the activities of our workbodies: Committees, Working Groups, Task Forces since ICID's inception in 1950.
ICID network boasts of more than 400 professionals managing over 30 functioning work bodies based on their relentless voluntary efforts all around the year. Broadly segregated among four strategy themes: Basin, Knowledge, On-farms and Schemes; over the last 70 years we have accumulated knowledge, developed resources and shared experiences across geographical, climatological, economic and social spectrum; presented various technical papers, guidelines and manuals based on various aspects of irrigation, drainage, and flood management. On the basis of functionality and themes covered by various work bodies, we have divided them under four labels apart from administrative committees.
Permanent Committees: (i) Permanent Committee on Strategy and organization (PCSO); (ii) Permanent Committee for Technical Activities (PCTA); (iii) Permanent Finance Committee (PFC); (iv) SpecialCommittee- International Research Program for Irrigation and Drainage (IRPID); (v) Management Board (MB); and (vi) Staff Committee (SC)