International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

State-of-the-art: Irrigation, Drainage and Flood Control, No.2?
Author: K.K. Framji
Year: 1981,
Type: Special Publication, Format: Print
This volume comprises eleven State-of-the-art papers on selected important themes of topical interest in irrigation, drainage and flood control which emanate from a wider international community. These papers will be found valuable by the research workers and practical engineers alike and will hopefully provide inspiration for new ideas for advancement of knowledge in the field of their speciality. The papers are: 1. New methods of storage control - by Prof. Ing. Dr. Milos Holy, and Ing. Zdenek Kos (Czechoslovakia) 2. The environmental effects of irrigation schemes - by Dr. Letitia E. Obeng (UNEP) 3. R?flexions sur les points cruciaux de la gestion des eaux d'irrigation de drainage au niveau de la ferme dans les pays en voie de d?veloppement - par J.P. Raphel (OAA) 4. Computer simulation of the Colorado River for long-term operation studies - by Robert V. Barton (USA) 5. Crop-climate models - by Dr. Asit K. Biswas 6. Impact of irrigation on moisture and salt regimes of soils - by Dr. L.M. Reks (USSR)

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