International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

Canal Automation Systems

The overall water use efficiency of a manually operated system, exclusive of the use of any return flow, seldom exceeds 40 percent. It is reasonable to expect an increase of the overall efficiency of about 10 percent or more for a system with some automation. The advantages of automation are not limited to savings in operation cost and in water. It also alleviates the risk of waterlogging and salinization. A further advantage is that it increases the reliability and accuracy of water distribution. This contributes to the establishment of a climate of confidence between the operating authority and the farmers, which in turn contributes to the effective organization of water user groups and their participation in operation and maintenance activities.


With automation, it may also be possible to accurately know the volume of water delivered to individuals or groups of farmers. This makes possible the introduction of volumetric water charges, combined or not with a system of annual volumetric allocation. This approach is a useful tool for encouraging farmers to optimize the use of limited water allocations and to increase productivity.


Automating a canal system is implementing a control system that includes automatic monitoring or the control equipment that upgrades the conventional method of canal system operation. Automation is used to simplify and reduce or replace the decision-making process of the operators and to implement a decision. It is increasingly used to improve the effectiveness and to reduce the cost of water supply system operations.


Automation of a canal system should not be thought of as an end in itself, but rather as a means to better operate that system. The true goal should be to achieve the most efficient and beneficial operation possible. Expanding control system capabilities is one way of economically reaching this goal.


The socio-economic conditions of the farmers and the scientific use of water to satisfy crop requirements will determine the degree of success of the complete approach of implementing automation from headwork to farm level.

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