International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

Tools for Integrated Water Resources Management

WEAP: Water Evaluation And Planning system is a Windows-based decision support system for integrated water resources management and policy analysis. WEAP is a model-building tool, used to create simulations of water demand, supply, runoff, evapotranspiration, infiltration, crop irrigation requirements, in stream flow requirements, ecosystem services, groundwater and surface storage, reservoir operations, and pollution generation, treatment, discharge and in stream water quality, all under scenarios of varying policy, hydrology, climate, land use, technology and socio-economic factors. WEAP can dynamically link to the USGS MODFLOW groundwater flow model and the US EPA QUAL2K surface water quality odel.WEAPis used in 170 countries around the world to model the balance between water demand and supply at a range of spatial and temporal scales.


LEAP: The Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning system, used in more than 190 countries, is a powerful, versatile software system for integrated energy and greenhouse gas (GHG)mitigation planning. It is becoming the de facto standard for countries undertaking mitigation assessments and creating Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDs), and has been used for several National Communications on Climate Change to the United Nations. In addition, LEAP has been applied to develop climate strategies for several U.S. states and cities, and it was recently used to build scenarios for a global energy assessment.


WEAP can help gauge how new supplies would fit with the region’s future water needs – and whether the benefits are great enough to justify the cost. LEAP will show the impact on energy demand, for desalination itself and for pumping. If demand increases significantly, LEAP can help you explore options for meeting that demand. To minimize GHG impacts, you might consider using a renewable energy source, such as concentrating solar power. But many CSP technologies are water-intensive; WEAP would help you determine how much water would be needed. This, in turn, could affect how much water needs to be desalinated to meet demand in your region.

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